Our foundation

Xpeer was founded in 2019 by leading experts after discovering there was a need to take the implementation of medical education into the digital age.

Our CEO, Daniela, realized that there was a lack of innovation in a market that although has constant innovations in the discovery and production of medication, had a lack of innovation in getting this information to HCP’s internationally.

Xpeer was created to aid physicians all over the globe, allowing them to expand their expertise in technology and clinical practice, in a time efficient way, in a manner which retains integrity and is accredited.

How ?

Imagine a world where all physicians, regardless of means, location or therapeutic area have access to collaborative knowledge, tutored from the very best. This is Xpeer.

We have built a community where every physician or HCP can participate, share and nurture the knowledge that will enhance patient care globally.

Xpeer has taken collaborative learning to the next level. Allowing HCP’s to not only further their knowledge, but get accredited for it, recognizable in 26+ countries in Europe. The only medical education app to be recognized by the UEMS (European Union of Medical Specialists) and EACCME (European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education).

Xpeer is the only and ultimate medical educational app: Learn smarter and faster from videos, audio and text in a time efficient manner.

Using the concept of microlearning, Xpeer are able to deliver accredited courses from 5 to 15 minutes. These credits for some countries are mandatory to renew the professional license annually.

Xpeer are independent, with our own renowned scientific committee. Our mission is to expand our platform globally, and make access to up to date, relevant medical education, simple and efficient.

The community

Users have access to mentors. Allowing physicians to book a call with the authors of material, some of the best physicians and researchers in their field to collaborate and enquire.

Using AI, once a user has chosen their key therapeutic areas and technological skills, we can develop a Personal Development Plan. It will build a personalized experienced and itinerary just for you, according to your interests, seniority level and educational needs.

Who are the Xpeers ?


Daniela Clape

Founder & CEO

17 years in Medical Education

8 years as C-suite level (6 years as CEO)

Expert in Strategy, Sales Marketing and Management

McCann, Olgilvy, Vivastis group

Sébastien Bombart

Founder & CTPO

16 years in IT Services companies

Project Management, Business Analysis, Quality, Business Intelligence

GFT, Deutsche Bank, Generali, Safran

Scientific Board

Francisco Javier Ampudia-Blasco


Section Chief of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Department and Head of the Diabetes Reference Unit at Clinic University Hospital Valencia (Spain), and Associate Professor of Medical College at University of Valencia.

Giuseppe Argenziano


Full Professor and Head of the Dermatology Unit at the University of Campania (Naples, Italy), co-founder and past president of the International Dermoscopy Society, and Editor-in-Chief of Dermatology Practical and Conceptual Journal.

Greg Martin


Specialist in public health medicine at Health Service Executive in Ireland. Editor-in-chief of Globalization and Health. One of the founding directors of Wellola.

Luis Ávila Lachica


Family practice doctor at the outpatient clinic of Almachar, Axarquía Oeste (Málaga, Spain), researcher and associate professor at the University of Malaga’s medical school, and trainer of trainers in type 2 diabetes.

Guillermo Umpierrez


Professor of medicine in the division of endocrinology at Emory University School of Medicine, Director of the Grady Memorial Hospital Clinical Research Network, Atlanta-CTSA, and Director of the diabetes and endocrinology section at Grady Memorial Hospital.